Plays & Musicals


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It is a very challenging process to shoot a play in a theater around an audience without disturbing that audience. We shoot with up to 4 camcorders,3 in the center of the balcony or back of the theater and, if possible, one from near the stage shooting across the stage. In the back there are 2 manned camcorders, one shooting all the active performers and the other shooting closeups. It is our experience that gets the most out of  those manned camcorders. The third unmanned 4K camcorder is fixed on the whole stage as a backup.

Sound is another tough issue particularly for shooting plays. It is helpful when the actors are using wireless microphones. A feed from the sound system can be brought into the camcorders. With or without the advantage of wireless microphones on the actors, our 3 shogun microphones can be discretely placed in front of the stage to pick the actor's voices from as many positions as possible.

For the editing process, all 4 camcorder videos, along with the wireless microphone input, and the shotgun microphone inputs are synchronized on the video editor. This gives me, the video editor the material to make precise camera changes for the best possible view of the play, dance recital, or concert.

DVDs have been popular for delivering the videos to the customer and the quality of the video from a standard definition DVD is quite expectable. We have the ability to produce DVDs (up to 100) with an attractive cover sticker in a clear case. There is a movement away from DVDs because  lot of customers no longer have DVD set top players. A better way to view the performance is either online (YouTube or customer's preferred online video service , e.g. Vimeo) or the customer can download a video file (MP4), watch it on the PC or MAC, or transfer it to a thumb drive and watch it on a smart TV.